Key Learnings | A Few Of My Own


In marketing, we talk a lot about ‘key learnings’. Deciphering what went well, what didn’t and what can be improved is a big part of campaign evaluations. It’s important to address the mistakes, celebrate the positives, and learn from them both to continue to grow.

After almost 10 years of working in a structured office environment, there are lessons I’ve learnt through my career that I like to keep reminding myself in order to grow as a freelancer. Not just the specific skills - of course we’re always learning how to be an expert at our jobs - but actually life lessons that bring clarity, guidance and positivity to every working day.


Okay, so I actually haven’t fully mastered this one yet, but I sure as hell need to. No’s come around often, so it’s all about shrugging them off and moving onto the next. If you get something wrong, fix it and move on. Don’t waste time, energy and precious brain space by getting anxious about the small things.

And remember, when people are being short or ‘grumpy’ with you, it’s probably because they’re fighting some other battle. A lot of the time it actually has nothing to do with you, you just happen to be on the receiving end of their stressed mood. Don’t let it get you down.


Throw out positivity and you will attract the same back. As humans, we match people’s outward energy, so it’s up to you to be that positive, kind, giving person to receive the same back. Kindness is something that costs nothing, but from it you gain so much.


Always! Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Even if it’s someone who’s not in your team, or even works in your field - sometimes just talking things through with someone else can help bring the clarity you are searching for.


They’re there for a reason.


It is REAL. It’s taken almost 30 years for me to realise that a lot of adults think they’re just blagging their way through life. It’s funny because no one reallyyyy knows what they’re doing, and a lot of people can’t believe they’re getting paid to do a job that is so simple. But that’s exactly it - it may be simple to YOU, but all of us are different, with different skills, and brains working in different ways. The knowledge you can give to someone IS helpful, and it IS worth money. You just have to remind yourself of that every day.


You have to be your biggest cheerleader, because if you don’t cheer for yourself, no one is going to do it for you. Even more so, if you don’t shout about all the great stuff you do, no one will even know about it. So get up onto that stage and repeat after me: I AM AWESOME.


Helping people is rewarding - it’s really as simple as that. That glow you get when you have helped lighten the load of someone’s day or completed a good job for someone is priceless. I have finally figured out that this is my drive - talking to people, understanding their struggles or concerns, and being that helpful hand with whatever they need to get them through to the next stage.

I know for sure that I couldn’t have launched into this new career journey with an ounce less experience than I gained in my previous roles. It’s been 10 years of hard graft, a steep learning curve, fast-paced offices and amazing bosses and mentors that have taught me what I know today.

And now I want to help others find their way, and be that person who can free up the mind so you can focus on the biggest, clearest picture.


Rosie Johnstone